First off, everything regarding the launch of my next book was completely driven by money. Not the money that I was going to make, but the money I didn't have for the various costs for release. Editing, formatting the interior, formatting the exterior, printing costs, merch costs and not to mention having an honest to gawd launch event. Well, since October, I received a couple of bonuses from my job and most of this went to cover these costs. Hooray!
Other than write in my other projects, which I should blog about in the next few weeks, I haven't really accomplished anything to type about. Not a full blown blog post anyway. Check out my Twitter feed @thebproofghost to see all of my tiny updates and various thoughts.
I also would like to give a shout out to the Evansville Local Authors and the Midwestern Writers Guild. I joined these two groups hoping to make much needed connections. I wasn't even sure there was a local author community in Evansville, Indiana, but low and behold, there is. I really didn't care to look before, again, socially different introvert. I was insanely nervous when I went to my first meeting, but I've gone to several since. I even helped run a presentation on copyright law at the Oaklyn Branch of the Vanderburgh Library. I guess I've come a long way since joining the groups.
Thanks to all of the local authors I've met and who have helped me thus far. I'll be sure to write some blog posts where I talk about them individually or one fat post laying out what each author is about before the next joint event.
Sorry that I'm being long winded, there is just a lot to get to before the main event which is the release of the second BulletProof Ghost novel, In Spades.
The BulletProof Ghost: In Spades
will be released on August 19, 2017.
There will be a launch event at Barnes & Noble on Green River Road in Evansville, Indiana. I'll be there from 1:30p - 3:00p selling and signing copies of both The BulletProof Ghost: In Spades and the second edition of the previous book,
The BulletProof Ghost: Prototypes.
The Address is 624 S Green River Rd, Evansville, IN 47715
In case you didn't want to Google it.
Boom! Thanks to Barnes and Noble, Evansville for having me. Thank you to Mariana Mudd, that location's Business Development Manager, specifically for saying yes to this event.
I'll put up another post after this detailing other events I'll be at in the next two months. There's a lot going on, so if you want to drop by and get some action packed scifi novels, then that would make you a really cool person. Just saying.
Thanks for the support so far. There's a lot of distance to cover before I'll be satisfied.
-Jake dh
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