Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Update: Author Events!

Hello again,

I told you I'd start to blog more often.  Of course, this isn't the normal frequency that I'll be posting.  I'm on vacation for the moment, so I've got a lot of extra time on my hands. 

In any case, let's get to what you're here for: All of my Upcoming Author Events!

Franklin Street Bazaar
Evansville, Indiana
August 12, 2017
Starts at 9am

Though I don't have an exact location for this as of yet, when I have it, I'll let you know.  For the time being, just know that I will be there.  If you're looking to snag a copy of The BulletProof Ghost: In Spades, then you'll be out of luck.  Since the release of In Spades is on August 19, I will only have copies of the second edition of The BulletProof Ghost: Prototypes.  I'll also have merchandise such as button pins, t-shirts and bookmarks.  If you've held off on getting a copy of Prototypes until now, this would be a great opportunity to catch up on the saga.

Update: I will be at the Number 22 spot. :)

The BulletProof Ghost: In Spades Launch Event
Barnes & Noble
Evansville, Indiana
Saturday, August 19, 2017
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

I already posted about this, but if this is the first you've heard of it...
I'm going to be releasing my second book, The BulletProof Ghost: In Spades at the Evansville, Indiana Barnes & Noble!  I'll be selling and signing copies of both books.  I'm pretty sure I can't sell my merch here, so it will only be books for this one.  Sorry.

Evansville, Indiana
Saturday, August 26, 2017
11AM - 3 PM

I'm excited about this event because I'm going to be on a panel with other local authors.  Whaaaaat!? Yes!  I'm not sure on the time yet, but not only will be able to get both books and swag, but you can ask me and other authors questions about our work, the process of writing or anything else you want.  That's pretty nerve-wrecking... I mean it's great.  It is great.  Not nervous at all.

Holiday Inn by Evansville Airport
7101 US-41, Evansville, IN 47725
Friday noon-midnight
Saturday 8am – midnight
Sunday 9am – 5pm

Tri-Con is a multi-genre nerd culture event.  Scifi, fantasy, horror, literature, comics, cosplay, anime and much more convene in Evansville for a weekend of awesomeness. 

So this is a big one.  Three days, much like Geek Galaxy a few years ago, but much bigger.  More people.  Long hours.  This is fine for me.  I love big events like this.  At this event, I will just be a vender with my books and swag.  I hope to have the compilation book and/or the hardback version of Prototypes & In Spades on sale by then.  I also may launch the first Dreadful short story on the first day of Tri-Con.  More information on that as I work the specifics of BPG Hardback/Dreadful Launch.  I may have an other surprise or two for the event, so keep an eye on Twitter @thebproofghost and this blog.

These are all of the events that I've 100% confirmed.  I wanted to talk about several of them for a while, but I needed to make sure I wasn't giving out bad info if they were out of room or my book/swag didn't meet their requirements. Thanks for your patience. 

I'm also aware all of these events are local.  In Evansville, Indiana.  Honestly, it just sort of worked out like that.  The Bazaar, the museum and Tri-Con were bunched up together in less than a month's span.  Releasing In Spades locally makes sense as far as supporting the community.  Not to mention it makes maxing out the potential attendance of the event.

I will schedule events later in September that take place further away from home.  In fact if you don't live near southern Indiana and would like to have me at an event or come to your local bookstore for a signing.  Send me an email at .  I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for the support and I'll keep the updates coming.

-Jake dh

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